Dogs need to play, just like humans. There are many toys you can purchase for your furry friend but they can be expensive and boring. Have a little fun and tap into your creative side to make some new toys that won’t cost much, and that will give your dog a break from his (her) usual line-up of activities.

Denim Toss Toy

Do you have an old pair of jeans that you no longer wear? You can create the perfect toy for your dog by cutting the jeans into an extremely long rectangle, then tying a knot through the middle. Cut the ends down to the length that you would like it to be, and it is already finished. This is a great throw toy that you and your dog can play fetch with, and the denim makes it quite durable.

Treat Puzzle

Does your animal friend like to munch on tasty treats? Create a find-the-treat puzzle by putting 12 tennis balls into the 12 cups in a regular-size muffin tin. Lift one and place a treat beneath it. Invite your furry friend to play a game of hiding and seek that will amuse him, and surprise him when he finds the treat inside the winning muffin cup. This is a game you can play over and over again, and it doesn’t take much time to set up.

T-Shirt Toss

If your little friend enjoys fetching toys, create a simple toy out of a tennis ball and an old t-shirt. Place the ball on the inside of the t-shirt, and cut several lines that reach from the outside edges of the t-shirt, almost to the ball. Cut enough lines so that there are either 6 or 9 flaps of t-shirt material so that you can braid them in groups of 3.

This will leave you with a fun toy that has the benefits of a ball but is easy to pick up because of all the braid strands and is fun to tug back and forth when your little guy wants you to be more involved in his play.

Obstacle Course

If you and your pal need to get some fresh air, an obstacle course is a perfect way to bond while getting some sunlight and exercise. Depending on the season, there are various ways to create an obstacle course suitable for your little friend.

Look at whatever supplies you have in your backyard, and set them up in a way that your dog can participate in a fun adventure. Create it in a way that you can complete the obstacle course with your dog following you. After you have done the course a few times together, you will find that your dog can do the parts he enjoys.

You don’t have to buy elaborate and expensive toys for your dog to have fun. By simply using your creativity and some supplies that you likely already have around, you can make fun toys that will give your furry friend something new to do. Try some of these ideas and enjoy playing together.